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Shift Your Frequency, Transform Your Reality

Bola is an Energy Expert who guides high performers to remove subconscious resistance, dissolve stress, transcend burnout and amplify their leadership presence.


Bola offers intensive energy treatments to individuals who despite doing all the “right” things—hustling, strategizing, and optimizing— feel stuck. The energy treatments go beyond the mindset issue, addressing the energy issue.


When energy is aligned, the right clients, opportunities, and success flow naturally.


Success isn’t just about strategy—it’s about energy.


Bola supports top performers in a sacred container of altered state of consciousness, to optimize their time and skills; to fine-tune their frequency, to unlock their next level by clearing energetic blocks that hold them back from their optimum health, wealth, relationships, clarity, and effortless growth.


Her intensive energy treatments aim to create life-long results and improve overall wellbeing, to bring the body and life back into harmony and inner peace.


The Quantum Reiki Energy Healing supports her clients to intuitively take inspired action to step into their highest potential, to shift their energy frequency and unlock a reality where success, fulfilment are optimised effortlessly.


Get ready to recalibrate your energy, to gain sharper intuition, greater influence, and the ability to attract opportunities rather than chase them.

With a background in Psychology (BSc), specialised International Trauma Recovery Certification, Bola is a UK Reiki Federation Professional Reiki Practitioner & High-Performance Energy Coach

Check out Bola's bespoke 1;1 intensive container programs via her distant and in person treatments in London. 



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I am so thrilled to welcome you here. I believe that we are guided to people for a reason, so trust your gut. Nothing is a coincidence.  As a Healer and Coach, I am here to help you transform your emotional wellbeing and personal development.  There are many ways in which I can support you. Please feel free to have a look around and if you’d like more information, pop me a message and I will be sure to get back to you.


I cannot wait to get to know you more. 

With Love and Light, ​​​

Welcome Radiant Soul,


About Bola


Intensive In Person and Distant Energy Healing & Activations

Bola speaks on Energy Healing, Frequency Alchemy, Emotional Intelligence, Non Duality,

Law of Attraction

Akashic Record healing and clearings for Soul power and Ancestral Alchemy.

Profound interviews of expert coaches and entrepreneurs sharing insights and expertise for expansion of collective consciousness


Energy Healing & Activation

Click here -  Remote or In Person Energy Healing & Activation 

30 mins,  1hr or 90 mins



Explore Bola's

published books



Latest articles on energy healing, psychology, spiritual awakening, personal transformation and

self care

10 mins Guided Stillness Meditation

Be Guided into Calm and Stillness, your state of Presence/Pure Awareness


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"The most important take away from this is that I no longer ask myself what is going on. I do not need to. The confidence I have now because of how you held the mirror of myself  up with no BS, yet in your gentle way. Thank you Bola"


copyright @ Bola Abimbola 2025

1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, London UK. N12 0DR
Our services are  complimentary therapies, based on psychology and metaphysics and  not meant to replace medical advice   
 Privacy Policy and Disclaimer   Refunds Policy

Due to the dynamic nature of factors involved to achieve transformation, we do not offer refunds after booking .

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