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1. AGREEMENT: By making a purchase, you acknowledge and agree that you have read these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.

2. Our programs and courses are full delivery on first payment, even if you are making part payments.

3. PRICE: Our prices are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to run regular promotions, special offers and / or make scholarships and discounts available to potential clients at her discretion. 

4. SUPPORT CALLS: Days and times of the support calls are subject to change. 



Clients who pay in full will receive the advertised bonus.  
Clients who opt for Payment Plans when available will be invoiced for remaining payments. Once the first instalment is paid, the remaining instalments are due on the same day of the following months. For example, if you pay the first instalment on 1st June, then the second instalment is due on 1st July and the next instalment on 1st August of the same year, etc. (Where these dates fall on a week-end, the payment is due on the previous week day). When paying in instalments, you understand that you are agreeing to pay the full course price as shown on your order form or invoice, not just the first month, and agree to honour each payment until fully paid. A lack of results is not a reason to demand payments are stopped, as results are subject to the amount of time and effort the client has put into the course and work carried out as a result of the learnings, and not on the course itself. No exceptions can be made for this, especially in cases when clients are found to have shown little effort in the course by not watching the video lessons and / or not showing up the weekly calls.


6. FAILED PAYMENTS: If your payment or card is declined for any reason (insufficient credit, closed, expired, or other reason), we will contact you on the same day to update your payment information. You agree to do so within 1 business day. Failure to update your account payment information will cause your access to the program to be suspended immediately. This means you will no longer have access to the course video lessons, Facebook group monthly or weekly support calls.  

7. REFUNDS: You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by booking with us, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Because of the nature of the content delivery, we have a strict no-refunds policy.

8. SUPPORT: Questions (in between strategy calls) are to be submitted via the Facebook group and not via Facebook Private Message. This is to ensure that all course members benefit from the answer and to ensure Bola is able to manage her time and energy. Bola will always do her best to jump on any questions in the group as soon as she sees them, but please appreciate that we cannot guarantee an immediate reply. Questions posted after 7.00pm will most likely be looked at on the next working day. Where Bola engages over Facebook Messenger with a client for support, this is an exception and not the rule, and should not come to be expected. 

9. MARKETING: By joining this course, you agree to let Bola share any of your posts / results / testimonials / or any messages to Bola stating you are benefitting from the course to her audience as marketing. 


10. ATTITUDE AND COACHABILITY: When joining a coaching course with a mindset coaching element to it, it is paramount that each student is committed to bringing their best self to every interaction with the coach and other course members. The Facebook group rules state clearly that we will not accept any bullying or attacks on any of the members, but we also expect from each member to show up with a positive and can-do attitude to every call and interaction. We will not tolerate slander, rudeness and a toxic “problem for every solution” attitude that affects the high vibe of the community. This is a community of motivated go-getters; members who affect the highly positive environment of the group dynamic by constant moaning and negativity may be asked to leave. They will get ONE warning to do so, then – if the behaviour continues - they will be asked to leave with no refund.


11. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SENSITIVE INFORMATION: As part of our programs and courses, students have access to a Facebook Support Group and in some cases, live group video calls, held weekly for a stated duration from the date of enrolment. In the Facebook Support Group and during the weekly calls, which are available on certain programs/courses, confidential and sensitive information may be shared by the students. All students understand and agree that all and any information shared in the Facebook group or during the support calls is to be treated as sensitive and confidential. 

12. LICENCE TO CONTENT: You are purchasing one licence for personal viewing and implementation of the material in the course. If you use the material for any other purpose other than personal study, (such making derivative materials, selling, sharing with others who are not course members, training others in the course system, displaying it publicly or on the internet, and/or sharing your login credentials), you will be in full violation of copyright laws and contract law. Licenses for these items are available for purchase, starting at £3000. If you choose to take these actions, you will be notified and billed accordingly.


13. CHANGES TO THESE TERMS: These Terms of Purchase are subject to change without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the new terms supercede old terms with immediate effect. As and when revisions happen, the students will be notified and the revised Terms & Conditions shall be posted on the home page immediately.

14. PRIVACY POLICY : We are committed to giving you control over your personal data and keeping it safe.

We will use the email you provide to us to send you messages about your bookings, our services or offers. If you ever change your mind just click on the unsubscribe link in any marketing email we send and we will only send you emails regarding your bookings with us.

15. DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTY: You are in the best position to understand your unique circumstances, and you understand and agree that a general informational course such as this cannot be completely tailored to every single person. This course is not a substitute for financial, legal, medical or other type of advice that is needed from a financial, legal or medical professional. You are advised to use your best judgment and seek the advice of such professionals in implementing the principles of this course. As the course success is very much reliant on the participant’s self -discipline and action taken on the content shared, no guarantees are made as to the outcome for the use of this course.

copyright @ Bola Abimbola 2025

1st Floor, 2 Woodberry Grove, London UK. N12 0DR
Our services are  complimentary therapies, based on psychology and metaphysics and  not meant to replace medical advice   
 Privacy Policy and Disclaimer   Refunds Policy

Due to the dynamic nature of factors involved to achieve transformation, we do not offer refunds after booking .

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